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Showing posts from June, 2015

Internet Sharing

Internet sharing is the ability to make sharing / sharing an internet connection. With just a communication channel (eg phone) multiple computers can be used together as well as to connect to the internet. Of course the cost of communications (in this case the phone) and Internet access can be shared to all computer workstations so that the cost is leih priced.Overall outline, internet sharing components are: Gateway Gateway computer (gateway) is used as a liaison between the network / LAN and internet. Typically use a proxy software (eg WinGate) with facilities connected to the Internet (in this case using a dial-up phone). We simply use a known IP address / teregristrasi on the Internet from the ISP where we signed up. Network/LAN consisting of workstations Consists of computers that can connect to the internet through the gateway together. These computers use a private IP (IP that is not known by the internet / network o...

Definition HDD SATA

SATA is the development of ATA. SATA is defined as technology that is designed to replace the ATA in total. Adapter of serial ATA able to accommodate data transfers at speeds higher than the simple ATA. The first-generation SATA interface known as SATA / 150 or SATA is often also referred to as SATA 1 communicating with a speed of 1.5 GB / s. His uncoded transfer speed is 1.2 GB / s. SATA / 150 have nearly the same speed with PATA / 133, but the latest version has many advantages SATA (such as native command queuing) which causes it to have more speed and the ability to do work in ling¬kungan multitask. The initial period of SATA / 150, the maker of adapters and drives meng¬gunakan bridge chip to convert the existing design with PATA interface. The appliance bridge has a SATA connector and has some power connector. Gradually, products accommodate native SATA bridge. SATA is the current speed of 3GB / s and experts are now designing technology for SATA 6GB / s. Some SATA fe...

Gerbang Logika

Gerbang Logika atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Logic Gate adalah dasar pembentuk Sistem Elektronika Digital yang berfungsi untuk mengubah satu atau beberapa Input (masukan) menjadi sebuah sinyal Output (Keluaran) Logis. Gerbang Logika beroperasi berdasarkan sistem bilangan biner yaitu bilangan yang hanya memiliki 2 kode simbol yakni 0 dan 1 dengan menggunakan Teori Aljabar Boolean. Gerbang Logika yang diterapkan dalam Sistem Elektronika Digital pada dasarnya menggunakan Komponen-komponen Elektronika seperti Integrated Circuit (IC), Dioda, Transistor, Relay, Optik maupun Elemen Mekanikal. Jenis-jenis Gerbang Logika Dasar dan Simbolnya Terdapat 7 jenis Gerbang Logika Dasar yang membentuk sebuah Sistem Elektronika Digital, yaitu : Gerbang AND Gerbang OR Gerbang NOT Gerbang NAND Gerbang NOR Gerbang X-OR (Exclusive OR) Gerbang X-NOR (Exlusive NOR) Tabel yang berisikan kombinasi-kombinasi Variabel Input (Masukan) yang menghasilkan Output (Keluaran) Logis disebut de...

Soal Peripheral Komputer

Software yang menjadi sistem operasi bisa berkomunikasi dengan peripheral atau alat lain adalah . . . A.Operating System B. Program Aplikasi C. Driver D. BIOS E. DOS Berikut ini yang termasuk alat piranti masukan pada komputer adalah, kecuali . . . A. Keyboard B. Joystick C. Mouse D. Proyektor E. Scanner AGP slot adalah perangkat yang digunakan untuk memasang peripheral yang berupa . . . A. Processor B. RAM C. VGA Card D. Harddisk E. Floppy Disk Untuk mengetahui apakah peripheral sudah terinstal dengan baik dapat diketahui melalui . . . A. System Komputer B. Device Manager C. Control Panel D. BIOS E. Regedit Hardware tambahan yang disambungkan ke komputer, biasanya dengan bantuan kabel atau tersambung pada port-port disebut dengan . . . A. Accesories B. Peripheral C. Driver D. Office E. Windows Apabila suatu peripheral belum terinstal, maka pada device manager akan menampilkan simbol: A. Tanda tanya (?) warna kuning B. Tanda seru (!) warna kuning C. Tanda silang (X) warna me...